School Registration Information
The St. Johns County School District (SJCSD) is currently registering for the 2025-2026 school year. This registration is only for children new to the school district, including those entering kindergarten.
New Student Registration Information:
Registration must be completed online at find the assigned school, enter your street address on the Attendance Zone Locator at
To be eligible for public kindergarten in the SJCSD, children must be 5 years old on or before September 1 and must reside in St. Johns County.
Other requirements for registration:
- Birth certificate/Guardianship Documents
- Documentation of a health examination performed within one year of enrollment.
Sports physicals will not be accepted as enrollment physical/health examination. Although a specific form is not required, you may choose to use the recommended School Entry Health Exam Form (DH3040)
- Proof of completed required immunizations documented on Form DH680
- Proof of residence per the Residency and Guardianship Policy located at
- Valid Driver’s License/ID card for guardians (for identification purposes).
- ESE IEP/EP/504 plan/RTI documentation (if applicable)
- Latest report card from prior school.
Students who are currently enrolled in a St. Johns County School do not need to re-enroll.
The week of April 15th, 2025, all currently enrolled families will recieve a link via email to complete the Returning Student Verification form. Please complete this form as soon as possible.

Use the blue button below to:
Complete a new student K-12 student enrollment if your child has ever been enrolled in a SJCSD public school.